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"/> Bold Support - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Bold Support

Bold support is a major requirement for a real, close relationship. It requires trust enough to say what is seen/sensed; trust in the other's "for-ness" (vs against-ness), and it requires both to trust the relationship is solid enough to be tested … now and again. Bold support is for those determined to be an active participant in their own and others' evolution, keeping relationships vibrant and ever more connecting and trustworthy. 

Everyone has the freedom to tell anyone what they think. Bold support is different. It is caring enough about another human being, knowing what matters to *Them*, and then being willing to speak up, reminding them of who they are, as well as being open to missing the mark (being inelegant or 'off' in some way).

During this last More To Life Weekend in Houston, Valerie Burson was my trainer support …fortunately for me. During one of the sessions, I nominally acknowledged a participant’s input. During the next break, Valerie, knowing my Imgresintent as a trainer, and as a human being, reminded me of the incident, gave me data about what happened. She told me she thought the interaction was off the mark of how I said I wanted to be. She said it all without any judgement or apology or insistence that she be right. Clear as a bell and undeniably ON the mark. 

If Valerie hadn't supported me about that interaction, you can bet I would have repeated that pattern down the line. But now, having been made aware of that tendency, I'm more conscious of being present to anyone I interact with.

In the next session, when I brought it up to the group, I asked how many had thought that interaction was "off", about 12 of 60+ hands went up. When I asked why they didn't say anything, shoulders shrugged.

I suspect this is how our leaders/politicians slide down the accountability scale. We enable them – either by our own unconsciousness or unwillingness to speak up. We could be reminding them of their original intent and the promises they made. As usual, it starts local, moves global.



2 Responses

  1. You had me all the way and then in the last sentence – wham! And….you’re absolutely on the mark about starting local. Love the way you live your life as if you’re a youngster with the mind and wisdom of a master. (Referring to you Costa Rica FB post.) When you bless yourself with the truth, you bless the whole world.