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"/> An Experiment in Abundance - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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An Experiment in Abundance

Most everyone who has taken the More To Life Weekend agrees – it is life changing. It was designed to be life changing, and it is delivered with that same intent – by the team and trainers and the communities in which it is offered. A few years ago, there was a movie entitled Pay It Forward. This movie captured the essence of our experiment. Bottom line, one person is gifted (in this case, an entire training), who then sees an opportunity to benefit someone else, who pays the gift forward by gifting yet another.

Market researchers studied our program, conducted some focus groups all over the world, and came to a conclusion. The people who most understand and benefit from the More To Life program are those who want to know themselves more fully, who want deeper connections with those they love, and who have a vision or want to develop their vision for their unique contribution to the bigger scheme of things – whether it's as a parent, a teacher or a leader in a social movement.

Images Combining those two tenets, we (Houston Steering Committee of the MTL program) chose to host a pilot training – the More To Life Pay It Forward Weekend. We are consciously inviting the people we know who fit the description provided by the research company. AND, we are offering the weekend course for $50, instead of the normal $495 … our gift to them. We believe that paying it forward is something that is inherent in the human heart; that people Want to make a difference in the lives of others; and that, given an opportunity, they will.

This experiment takes place in Houston, Tx on May 17-19. Check it out.