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"/> A Visit with Patrick Neal - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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A Visit with Patrick Neal


Patrick Neal is my nephew, a full-fledged fire fighter – in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time in his life. He invited Hayleigh (my 4-year old granddaughter) to check out his fire engines and fire station. I wanted to go too, never having been in a fire station. So Rebecca, Troy, Hayleigh, Chase and I trooped down to Patrick's fire station this last weekend.

The picture to the left was inside the middle section of the big truck, behind the front cab, in front of the water pumper part. It looks roomy with Hayleigh in it; I imagine with 4 big guys in full regalia, it looks much smaller.

Hayleigh wanted to see everythDSCN0581ing. So Patrick suited her up in boots, overalls, jacket and hat – the smallest  they had … oh, well.

Then of course, we had to see the living quarters. The fire fighters fundamentally live at the fire station when they are on duty, so they can sprint off to a fire in moments. They have bunk beds lined up, with storage lockers for each person. Then there is the living room and a big TV (of course) and a kitchen. Patrick has been nominated the best cook of the bunch; which he likes, cuz then he doesn't have to do the dishes.

What I liked most of all was being around Patrick's enthusiasm for his job. He loves it. He is real good at it, and he is making a difference in the world. He is one of those people who has found his calling in life, and who is intuitively capable, as well as a cool head under pressure.

The other thing I liked was seeing a fire station through Hayleigh's eyes – with all her innate curiosity being stoked by her cousin. (Me too, really!)
DSCN0584 And the crowning touch – a red fireman's helmet (plastic) that the station keeps on hand for visiting children.

It was a rewarding, fun day, spending time with family, getting a 'feel' for a fire fighter's life in the fire station; appreciating Patrick's patience with our endless questions; and seeing the world anew through the mind of a child.