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"/> A Question of Sanity - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


A Question of Sanity

ImgresI’ve been allergic to essential oils applied directly to my skin for several years. I love essential oils; and instead of putting them directly on my skin, I smell them – straight from the little bottles or from liquid diffusers of all kinds.

The other day I ran across a very small bottle of Amber Sandalwood – two scents I really enjoy. It was just a small little bottle, and the fragrance was delicious. I decided to test my skin’s reaction, to see if I had gotten over my allergy. Allergies do change. I wanted this to be the case. So I smeared the Amber Sandalwood liberally on both wrists – yeah! Fantastic bouquet – I smelled it all day, taking hits often. Absolutely no problem. I congratulated myself for having ended this allergy, enabling me to expand my use of essential oils.

Yes, you got it. The next morning, both wrists were covered in tiny little itchy blisters. Now, several days later, I’m still dealing with occasional itching and tiny little scabs – and a new plan. Next time I decide to experiment on my body regarding essential oils, I’ll either get tested using kinesiology or apply a test amount on a small, little patch (vs the liberal application).

Moral of the experiment: I often get into trouble when my desire (which often crosses over into ‘demand’) for things to be the way I want them to be overrides my common sense. My dilemma is – sometimes, it works.

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