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"/> 4 Hour Insurance - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


4 Hour Insurance

Today I took my car in to be serviced. Since it was a 30,000 mile check up, they told me it would take about 4 hours, and they offered me a rental car. Kewl!

While I was filling out all the forms to get the rental car, the service manager tried 3 different times to get me to buy $6.51 worth of insurance. This insurance would cover 100% of … and then he went into detail about all the various things that could go wrong with the car, for which I (or my insurance company) would be liable should these awful things happen.

That man thought of more catastrophes that could happen to me … and all within the next 4 hours. At first I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. I refused to buy into his unconscious (?) fear game.

At a helicopter view – insurance seems a scam. If I need insurance, they won't give it to me. If they believe I won't need it, they bet on me – while I bet against myself, believing I will need it (which seems spiritually counter-productive). So I have government mandated insurance, while working to stay out of the fear in which it is all based.

Yep -  living dangerously – without hedging my $6.51 bet.

PS  I made it through those next 4 hours without a single horrific thing happening. Whew!

1 Response

  1. Bettina Casimir Clark

    This reminds me of the many dirty looks I got, here in the US, when hiring a rent-a-car… My credit card covers all those “horrible” things – BUT – the personal at rental companies put me first into fear-conversations, checking out if I can resist it and wait for me to set my boundaries… After many times of deep breathing – I now see it as a joke and my energies shift: they don’t seem to try me anymore…