Ruby Isabella Cloete – 18 months old
Justin sent me this picture of his daughter a few weeks ago. When I first saw it, I felt the prick of tears behind my eyes. At first, I passed the emotion off as incidental, probably due to a combination of life-things – transient, not requiring exploration. However, the picture itself refused to be passed... Learn More
A Solitary Interlude
The other day I paused in the middle of my walk along Mayde Creek to sit on a concrete, square pipe jutting out from the side of the retaining wall at the end of the creek. The walking path was about 6’ above me and the surface of the water was about 4’ below me. ... Learn More
Entitlement, another set-to
Am I not entitled to a happy life? a loving relationship? a good job? a nice home/car? the current electronic gizmo? whatever you have that I want? whatever I see on TV that strikes my fancy? lawsuit money for accidents caused by my own stupidity/recklessness? The list is endless. And it's spread to our government... Learn More
It Really IS all about ME! (or is it?)
Is it? Or isn't it? Yes, my sensory apparatus picks up sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch – but does it pick up everything? Or has my mind trained me to acknowledge some data and discard other data? I know for sure that my reticular activating system discards data contrary to my current bio-DOS (bio-operating... Learn More
Fed Up
Mostly I get fed up with the way other people behave. And if you've been reading very many of my posts lately, you'll know that is my signal that I am fed up with some behavior of my own – like accommodating everyone else's expectations of me. Or better said, my expectations of what others... Learn More
Helping lesbians live as normally as possible while coping with life threatening illnesses – that's their purpose statement, and that's actually what they do. Service from the heart is their stand. Saturday I was the speaker at their monthly meeting, the topic of which was burn out – how do you keep serving those in... Learn More