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"/> Watermelon Seed Spitting Challenge - The Results! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Watermelon Seed Spitting Challenge – The Results!

6a00e55389e285883401348718d49b970c-320wi OK. The winner of the Houston W.S.S.C. was Dan Stratman – 15'1" … Congratulations Dan!!!

(UNLESS we can find the watermelon seed that I spit so far, it was off the grid. :)  Oh, Yea, Verily … I swallowed the first w.s. The second seed was never found, but all saw that it actually left my mouth. The third seed was a few inches short of Dan's.  However, there's always Next Year!

Then to top it off, Linda Frey (Denver, Colorado) informed me that Bill Horger was the Rocky Mountain Region Champion Spitter with a distance of 30' 6" …. AWESOME!  As far as I know, Bill is the National MTL Watermelon Seed Spitting Winner!!!!  Except they used pumpkin seeds instead of watermelon seeds.  I don't know the aerodynamic differential between watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds, but Linda did call and ask if pumpkin seeds counted. I did say yes.

And hey, it's all in good fun.  And I quote a good friend of mine, with a delicious British sense of humor:

"Personally, one of my (very many) reasons for regretting having been subjected to a convent education is that those nuns just didn't teach us how to spit at all.  I can only suppose they didn't consider it 'ladylike', and I've always been deeply envious of women who could spit.  You go girl."

So there you go … fun to be had by all … all participants in Life As It IS!


3 Responses

  1. Lucy Ackerman

    RMR RULES!!!!! How Bill Horger spit that thing that far is beyond me, but I saw it happen so I know he didn’t cheat!! And George Frey the Son and Father didn’t do too badly either as I recall. I think my farthest spit was 17 1/2 feet or some such. First try and after that they got shorter and shorter!!! LOL I have some great pics that I need to download. and share. I threatened Richard with blackmail with some of the ones of him. hehehe
    We had a great time. So everyone, get your training area laid out and get your training schedule set for next year!!

  2. (_)Until I can round up a travel agent along with the funds in our discretionary account to set out for the tropics once more, I’m sipping “Simply Orange” brand orange juice that is mixed with mango! +_+