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"/> Vulnerability and Dr. Brad Brown - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Vulnerability and Dr. Brad Brown

Vulnerability was one of the attributes of Brad Brown, co-creator of
the More To Life Program. He was  PICT0140

beloved by so many people all across
the globe. He would openly share of his own foibles, disconnects, and
misses; as well as his dreams and hopes. He was easy to know,
transparent. You never had to guess his feelings – they played on his
face and in his voice. He was so committed to the Truth, he didn't care
what the Truth was, he just wanted to know What it was. He was willing
to let the chips fall where they may; as long as he knew the lay of the
land, creativity was certain to follow.

The second part of his
gift of vulnerability was his ability to elicit those hidden
dreams/fears from others. I used to wonder how he did that; how he
managed to wrest my deep, dark secrets from the hidden chambers in my
heart; how did he even know they were there (when often, even I didn't
know what was there)? In one of my journals, I wrote that I was
embarrassed that I didn't know myself as well Brad, Sue, Collete Stevens
as he knew me (and that's just 'not right'). And I used
to joke that he could smell an obfuscation at 20 miles – if anything
was 'off,' he would smell it. Like I could smell old fish that was
'off' – he could smell anything that wasn't clearly True. Bottom line, he demanded vulnerability from others. And that was his draw. For me,
at first, it was like a moth to a flame; scared, but more drawn forward
than scared. Later, it was more like water on a desert. To this day, I
believe no one sees me the way he did. I know many others who believe
the same thing. When he died, one of my fears was that I would stop evolving consciously – not excavating the gold from the cave of my blind side – which is what he did so effortlessly. I counted on him to help me unfold
spiritually. I miss being known like that.

Being open,
real and completely who I am in this moment is a hunger of the human
spirit. We were designed to BE ourselves – free.

With whom are you Free to BE? And what do they do that makes it easy for you to BE? And who is Free to BE themselves when they are around you? And what do you do that makes it easy for them to BE? I wonder what the world would be like if we went around freeing people to BE who they are, to DO what they came to do … do-be-do-be-do-be-do!

2 Responses

  1. Isabel

    Ah Brad …
    in the dance of vulnerability …
    taking me back to Way of the Warrior…
    a striking moment …
    of Brad’s sword …
    met by a very strong reactive response from the group…
    where I stood…
    ready for the kill …
    and yet …
    as I took the mike to let him have it …
    something happened …
    our eyes met …
    melting in vulnerability …
    hitting me deep …
    in the core of my heart …
    shifting the frequency of my judgmental mind…
    oh …
    the space…
    where words…
    are no longer needed
    except …
    in the purity of what is left …
    to hear Brad’s answer …
    ” I hear you … and in truth .. I would trust Ann with my life…”
    bringing me back home…
    in unity of intent …
    beyond the frailties
    of this being human …
    doing the best we can…
    feeeling grateful for the memory…
    in this space…
    between breaths…
    gasping for itself
    as we dance…
    blinded …
    in the void of all creation…
    to find …
    I no longer am…

  2. Lisa Tell

    Thank you so much for the last 3 posts. The timing was impeccable for me to receive your message. Please keep writing and posting. You have found a new regular reader in me. 😉
    Lisa Tell
    Brighton, CO