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"/> A Time of Change - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


A Time of Change

Robyn Williams instigated these thoughts. Thank you, Robyn.

There are times when change is exponential … as in the 60s, mid-80s, when there was a shift in consciousness. In the 60s it was about a cultural revolution against the 'establishment' (antidisestablishmentarianism, if I remember the buzz word correctly). The outward expression of that rebellion was refusing to join the rat race, hence the slogan PeaceLoveDopeSex. 

In the 80s, the Berlin wall came down, the KGB was abolished, apartheid began coming apart, and a
Images snapshot of our planet, taken from outer space, was an imprint on the global psyche – a little blue ball in the middle of nothing, no borders, ONE tiny blip in the vastness. Walls began dissolving – literally and figuratively.

And now we have the 2012 "time of change" – which seems to be a further spiritual awakening. I personally know so many people (including myself), couples and groups, even companies, whose awareness is shifting. On the one hand, It is unsettling to The Way It Was; and on the other, there is more commitment to what compels the heart or what is more congruent with Life As It (Really) Is.

My hope is that our world-focus will shift from power/greed/thing-oriented (the "illusion" of happiness) to real alignment – personal destiny, intimate connections, response-able to our planet.

There are lots of predictions from past sages that the world as we know it will change – in this specific time frame. In truth, that happens daily. All it takes is a shift in perception to change your world. I think that the cumulative effect of all of us making that daily shift, again and again, is leading us to a tipping point in our collective spiritual evolution – yet again.

1 Response

  1. Thank you, Ann, yet again, and my thanks to Robyn Williams. I didn’t realize my personal shift was wrapped in the comforting blanket of a global/universal shift. I’m choked up and teary eyed. I close my eyes to feel and I see my arms flung wide open, expansive and welcoming.