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"/> The Shack, by Wm. P. Young - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Shack, by Wm. P. Young

Nav-book This book was given to me by Diana Makens, my good friend and support partner. It looked interesting, and I put it down and read something else.

A few days later, I picked it up again, and started reading. I read this book in sections – unusual for me. After I got past the part about grief, the suffering of a family, I couldn't put the book down. In fact I resented every interruption.

Admittedly, I am easy to cry when reading a book that touches me, and easy to laugh as well. There were drippy-tear-times and gushing-tear-times. I doubt anyone can read The Shack and be unaffected. By the end of the book, I felt uplifted and wrapped in faith and love and trust.

Worth a read.

2 Responses

  1. Georgina ROUT

    This book has had one of the more profound effects on my life and my relationship with God in his fullness.
    I would love to know how people from all faiths respond.
    I believe it will help clear many misunderstandings of the Christian God and draw people from many walks of life closer to themselves and others as they journey more deeply with the spirit of GOD.
    A beautiful novel full of enlightening truths.

  2. Crystal Kiss

    I recently finished this book as well. There were quotes that I went back and wrote down in my processing book. They were lifeshocks or along the lines of choices I’d made after processing that I wanted to remember. I finished the book wanting a friendship with god. Not something I’d given much thought. Though I do feel more aware of the energy, which to me is god, that flows in life. I think this book was a great notice for me.