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"/> The Magic of Synergy - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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The Magic of Synergy

At the More To Life program's Trainer Conference this last weekend, a most interesting phenomenon occurred. In the process of finding our collective feet without the guidance of Brad Brown's wisdom, we decided to create a collective vision. 

We formed threesomes, each threesome to create a vision, then we planned to hone all we got into a single corporate vision. It was amazing how each group added to the previous groups' input. In the end, we created a solid, contextually valid vision that represented the Trainerbody's vision for ourselves, for The Kairos Foundation, and for the communities we serve. We were excited and grateful for the vision itself and for the synergy with which that vision was created.

After we celebrated our experience for a bit, Briggy Kiddle – Senior Trainer and also a member of the Board of Directors – told us that the Board had also created a vision, and that vision was essentially the same as what we had just created.  WOW! I consider that proof that we were in sync with The Flow.

It's amazing what people of honorable intent, discerning hearts, and willing spirits can create – even when it's separate groups at separate times with separate responsibilities – all creating a unifying vision.
Corollary:  it's also amazing what people of inimical intent, judgmental hearts, and willful spirits can create. There's synergy in that as well – and we choose which synergy we want to swim in.