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"/> The Legacy of Each Generation - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


The Legacy of Each Generation

DSCN0624 Yesterday I watched a coterie of young girls – vibrant, sleek, and toned – my niece Amanda (in purple, standing) and her bridesmaids at her bridal brunch yesterday morning.

I glanced over at another older woman, we exchanged knowing looks. Ah, yes. We appreciated their youth and exuberance, remembering the journey through our own 20s. I had a sense of what it must have been like for my parents to observe my passages, as I observed my daughter's passages, as she (and I) observe her daughter's passages.

The legacy of one generation to the next. The shepherding of Amanda's generation into the life passage of marriage, home and children – the whole nesting instinct being assuaged yet again. 
And there we were, my sisters and sister-in-law, and our daughters, cousins to Amanda, all smoothing the way for the next generation. It was a totally connecting experience – a celebration of Amanda's choice.

And then there is the next generation – Hayleigh's peers – already being initiated into the rituals that mark the beginning and end of each passage. Hayleigh was passing each gift to Amanda, as Rebecca recorded each gift.


Yes, when we are at our best, women are there for each other – feeding, cleaning, nurturing, supporting, wiping away tears, caring, defending our young with the ferociousness of a lionness.

Amanda, may your journey with Zach be a rich and sacred one.

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