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"/> Thank you, Kirsten! - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Thank you, Kirsten!

Actually, I didn’t think "Thank you" when I first got Kirsten’s email. I won’t tell you what I actually thought, ‘cuz it wasn’t nice at all, at all … which is more of a comment about me, than it is about Kirsten, even though it didn’t look like that to me at the time. Fortunately, I didn’t take my nastiness very far or for very long, ‘cuz I know Kirsten. She’s bright, intuitive, a good friend, and Way courageous (she’s a sky diver).

Here’s what she wrote to me in a private email about my Dolphin adventure:

Hey Ann –
    You might want to re-read
this one.  To me it read more like lessons you learned about cold water,
wetsuits and maybe, begrudgingly getting to Yes, kinda.  Sounds like you’re
still stuck on how things should have been?
    Were you going for how
you, despite all the things you didn’t want, got to do something you did want? 
Then writing more about the experience of being with these creatures, your
fascination, connection, non-verbal communication would be more in line with
your intention.
Hope this


You may wonder why I wasn’t thankful right off the bat. I wonder the same thing now. After all, I did ask for her input, knowing she is perceptive and would tell me like it is. She did just what I asked – gave me feedback. In days of yore, I might have cut her out of my life in some way, made her pay by giving her the silent treatment or the cold shoulder for awhile,  at least until she learned not to be real with me. And then wonder why I didn’t have any real friends. Fortunately, age (and a lot of personal work) have mellowed me quite a bit.

So, Thank You, Kirsten. I will re-write the Dolphin post, so that it makes the point I wanted it to make, before I got carried away with my own humor.

Ah, yes. I wanted this to be a blog about real stuff .. Real Stuff! As my mother used to say, "Be careful what you ask for!"

3 Responses

  1. Isabel Vidal

    Dear Ann,
    You are right – be careful of what you ask for …in this case to “TO HONOUR LIFE AS IS’ which as you know means that we will be tested over and over until we get what we need to learn, in its wisdom.
    I got a life shock when suddenly the dolphin adventure was “gone” from my screen .. as if a part of me had gone with it …
    as besides your magical sense of humor (I seemed to have forgotten how to laugh), it reminded me of many of my own adventures where I pushed myself beyond my fears, in order to stay on purpose – to come out on the other side – knowing that “ This is just what I needed – where I am right now, knowing that “I am what I am and I am enough”
    Kind of stunned I thought “Am I on the right site??
    decided to investigate …
    hummm .. the other postings are still here but not the dolphins …
    it must be some kind of virus ..
    I wonder if Ann has noticed it …
    until I read your last post …
    oh … is this what happened???
    noticing my feeling of loss and contraction as if a magical part of you had been “deleted” ….to meet an expectation of how it ought to be … in direct opposition of the intention of the blog ( as I see it) – to be with life as is … in learnigs …
    oh, NO NO NO !!!! and more NO!!!no !!! NO!!!! OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!!)…
    and there comes the twist …as the syncronicty of events came to my awareness …
    and this is what happened:
    I got a phone call from a dear friend … shell shocked from a highly stressful and delicate situation…
    My friend could barely stay in her body after a week of agonizing decisions and inner confusion from too much influence outside of herself where my focus became to help her to reconnect with her inner knowing and the pure magic of her beingness in the guidance that she seeks…
    She has done most of the programs of More to Life and at some point I saw the words from your entry on “Two states of being” – “This is my stand. What is your stand? ”
    Yet, the moment I referred her to your blog and to this question she broke out in a most delightful laughter telling me “oh yes .. I love Ann’s blog .. did you read about the one about the dolphins??? How I laughed …I absolutely loved it… oh the story of the wetsuit and the peeing ( she was energetically peeing herself in absolute fear) … I still feel the giggles …..
    leading to a whole shift of her vibration as we both cracked laughing for a while, before making decisions of a most profound nature, leading her back home – more empowered and on purpose… while I finally went to bed at 3 in the morning …
    As I see it, the energy vibrating through your posting became a healing factor in a very real issue, beyond time and space … not visible to the eyes … but profoundly rippling where it was needed … in perfect harmony with LIFE AS IS …and with YOU AS YOU ARE …
    ah “God’s” power to play tricks never stops amazing me .. .
    Dolphins are know for being high vibrational beings and there you are … reminding me yet again to trust life’s’ flow – just as is … as necessary seeds for miracles of connection , rippling beyond the visible …where we dance ..
    I believe that “ not all is what it seems” and that the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and to others is to get out of judgment on how things ought to be, as we never know what “invisible acts of power” we are co- creating with “God “… specially when we flow with the core of our beings, trusting that ALL IS WELL …
    As I see it, your post reflected the power of becoming…leading to a rippling healing impact across the world .. just where it was needed …
    It reminds of the power of the words “That which you seek, is seeking you in return “
    Thank you for the richness of the field you have created and for your willingness to stay open to what shows up …as is …in this knowingness that each of us is playing a role, supporting each other to emerge into something bigger …
    P.S. Your response to Kisten’s feedback reminded me yet again of the extraordinary power of your commitment to work through your reactivity and to honor the finest that we are …to which I bow.

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