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"/> Slowing Down to the Speed of Love - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Slowing Down to the Speed of Love

This phrase came to me as a foreign thought. To understand it, I tried breaking it into smaller chunks, but it’s the flow of words that strikes the internal chord.

So I matched an experience to the flow of words. Scene: early morning, my grandson, wrapped in his favorite Green Bay Packer blanket, comes straight to me and curls into my lap. He’s 8. We rock for 20 minutes, no words. Slowed down to the speed of love … soul content.

Scene: training room, after a meditation about the future, a man in his 70s, quiet tears rolling down his cheeks – a man in his 20s walks deliberately across the room, sits in front of the older man, exuding love, not sympathy, no words exchanged, just clear, clean compassion … soul touching.

Slowing down to the speed of love – sinking into a visceral, spiritual connection to someone or something, soaking it up, demanding nothing more of the moment. Present, savoring, real, heart-soothing. Easy when the experience is one I like.

How can I have more of these moments? Is it possible when the scene isn’t what I want? Of course! It only requires slowing down my metronome, tuning in via my heart, awakening to the subtleties of what’s on offer, and leaning in.

I want to slow down to the speed of love. How about you?



5 Responses

  1. Jen

    As I read, I could feel myself slowing down, sitting like the 20-year-old with someone in a training room, being with my dying mother, and many more instances. On that slowed-down note, I take myself gently to bed. Thank you, Ann.

  2. Felicity

    Just gorgeous thank you dear Ann … going for applying slowing down to those moments I don’t want … there have been few of late! xxx

  3. Cecillia

    That’s beautiful, Ann. I could see the pictures you painted, and gradually the feeling started to tune in too. Yes, I want that! Often for me the hardest times to slow down to are those when the moment offers something I really want. Then my mind says, “Hurry up, or you’ll miss it.” And if I follow that direction, I set myself up to miss it. Thank you for sharing a different possibility–and a different set of directions. I love the belief that’s starting to blossom that with practice (and practice and practice) I could. by choice, “slow down to the speed of love” to connect with whatever the moment has on offer. In the end, it’s all love.