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"/> SIN - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



Such an interesting word – 'sin.' It is actually a term used in olden days by archers. When an archer missed the bull's eye on the target, it was called a 'sin' – meaning a miss. Since olden times, the word has been "religiousized" into meaning "an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law."

Images-1 I like the original meaning of the word. It is a spiritual warrior's term. And when a spiritual warrior sins, s/he does what archers used to do. They take another arrow out of their quiver, nock it, aim, let it fly. If they 'sin' to the left of the bull's eye; they take another arrow from their quiver, nock it, course correct their aim a little to the right, and let it fly.

They keep course correcting till they get good at hitting the bull's eye. Then, of course, Life moves the target, so they can get good at hitting a new bull's eye.

In the More To Life program, we call that our Growth Edge.

1 Response

  1. Bettina Casimir Clark

    What an eye opening share! In my life I am attrackted to the physical posture and movement of an Archer: so much grace and so much power… all this in mindfulness and slow motion. Yeah!!! Would be nice to integrate this movement in our MTL morning excercises?!
    I will post this reflection on my facebook and create a link from my blog ([email protected]/)to yours if this is OK with you.
    Love, Bettina