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"/> Same Song, Second Verse - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Same Song, Second Verse

Yep … another minor flood in my house. Same area. Different water source – this time the refrigerator. Exercise room and hallway carpets, both soaked!

My first thought: I wonder what I did to piss God off? I've been pretty good, considering God also bequeathed me with a reactive mind. I wallowed in my defeat-ism awhile, stoking it with further ammunition: State Farm's refusal to pay for any damage (never having had a claim in almost 30 years), having to eat the cost of round one AND round two (and right during Christmas), just getting my house back together from round one, and now THIS! Woe is me. Images

I was sitting at my desk, refining my already honed abilty to bemoan my fate, and glanced at a picture of Brad Brown (my mentor, now deceased). My head snapped up, and my next thought was:  What is the creative opportunity being offered to me on a silver platter? Then I remembered that, last August, I was talking to Diana Makens, my support partner, about re-doing my home, upgrading my aging (but still working) appliances, converting to wood flooring, adding an extension to my kitchen (and a hot tub, and some other things). Bill Boothe has even drawn up a plan for it all.

Three days, 2 carpet dryers and a dehumidifier later, my living room is jumbled with exercise equipment, my hallway and exercise room are dry, the baseboards are once more removed (lying in the living room), BUT I have a plan. I talked to my brother Tom, who's an expert on lots of things. He happened to have bought enough wood flooring to cover all my floors – extra flooring that he bought at fire sale prices and that he'd decided not to use himself. My brother-in-law, Steve is a retired teacher who happens to be an expert painter. It's all falling in line.

I'm re-doing my home! 

And like most things that get put into the Reticular Activating System, I had expected to be able to do this on MY timeline. And my timeline wasn't moving ANYthing. But my RAS is there, working my visions. And now my mind gets to focus on how to make it all happen, instead of reminding me of how awful life is.