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"/> A Question of Faith – Part 2 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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A Question of Faith – Part 2

Flanking the primary requisite of having faith in those heart-felt/visceral whispers and/or unrelenting, compelling dreams, there is the choice to have faith in those around us.

An easy example. One look at my newborn – fierce love immediately – unshakeable, endless. When she was 12, I realized that in 6 more years, she would be out in the world, without my oversight. Scary. Thanks to Sue Oldham, I shifted my fear into faith – faith in Rebecca’s innate goodness. I admitted that I didn’t really know her future, her destiny. I did everything I could to support her trust in herself – having faith in her destiny, whatever it was. AND I did and still do trust her allegiance to her internal compass.

A hard example. A very dear alcoholic friend of mine told me the doctor said that if he had one more drink, he would die. He wanted to know if I could help him. I said yes, “but only if you don’t drink.” We talked about the pain that only alcohol seemed to numb out. He knew I knew how to get to the pain, so that it was released. We made an appointment. He didn’t show up. He died soon thereafter. I still love him. I see his innate goodness, his humor, his loyalty to friends, and his pain. I finally got to the place where I trusted his journey, shifting from remorse to faith.

The secret – being faithful to my destiny first and foremost, while honoring yours.