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"/> Addictions - Part 6 - How About Positive Addictions? - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Addictions – Part 6 – How About Positive Addictions?

Some addictions start out as healthy (positive behavior), like working out. The danger is when the healthy behavior becomes addictive, and I lose control over whether to work out or not. If I don't think I have the option NOT to do something that I enjoy doing, then I've just turned something healthy into a personal prison – losing my freedom of choice. What was previously volitional is now enslaving me.

On the other hand, personally, I naturally gravitate towards addictions. Jennie's Coconut Macaroons – all natural, bite-sized, unsweetened coconut/honey/egg white – delicious, nutritious – totally yummy. Healthy! But not when I eat all 18 cookies – in one sitting (which I have done – and it doesn't even take that long). 

So I have played around with turning my natural proclivity to addictive behavior into healthier channels –
Images-1 like frequent use of the processes of the More To Life program, using my Pilates Reformer (exercise machine), testing new and different smoothie recipes, reading inspirational writings, etc. 

I won't say I have had much success with this line of thinking. It seems I have competing addictions (like my addiction to resistance to anything I "ought" to be doing) that interfere with the addictions I Want to develop. Trying to trick my addictive mind into focusing on 'healthy' addictions was a fizzle. I'm not nearly as cunning as my reactive mind. It seems I win the most battles when my backbone lines up behind my heart, and all is addressed straight out.

Fundamentally, I want to live my life Freely – responding in the moment to what is on offer, including the parameters within which my life rests – respecting my body, honoring my ultimate goals, and loving the gift of choice.

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