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"/> OK, my first foray into the blogging world - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


OK, my first foray into the blogging world

Hello World,

I am ready to play my part in the internet world of blogging – brand new territory for someone who didn’t grow up with computers.  Normally when I want to know something, I either look it up in encyclopedias or the dictionary!   My daughter, on the other hand, immediately turns to the computer to look up darn near everything.   And my granddaughter, who is 3, has weekly computer lessons in her Montessori school.  Ah, yes, evolution!

So a few years ago (yes, years) when Tom Parish suggested I start a blog, I didn’t even know what one was.  Now, I know and have even contributed to blogs.  (I still don’t understand how they work, but I am educable.)  When I asked Tom exactly what I should ‘blog’ about, he said, "just be you and write."  That  seemed way too easy.  And then when I booted up the ‘compose’ page, it looked so ‘blank’ – which meant either I have nothing really to say or there is so much to say that I don’t know where to start.

So I’ll start with "The Current Main Issue" that occupies my mental energies – aligning myself with Reality – not the one in my head, but the Real One – the one that flows from God/Life/Universal Spirit/Reality (or whatever else you want to call that which organizes the Way It IS).   Actually, it’s not just aligning myself with Reality, but it’s also not being attached to what happens – while, at the same time, living the richness of all the glorious sensory input we are offered as human beings.  Once I leave this body, I won’t have eyes, ears, nose, taste buds and skin cell receptors to soak in all the vibrancy of this smörgåsbord of human experience! 

I very distinctly remember a middle-of-the-night experience, backpacking in the Okavango Delta about 10 years ago.   What woke me up was the heat rash that pretty much covered my body (as the Brits would say, it’s bloody hot in the Okavango, even at night).   So there I was, scratching my arm mindlessly … and stopped.   There was a stillness that was filled with sound – two hippos "wha, wha, wha-ing" off to my right, a leopard ‘coughing’ over to the left, a couple of lions roaring over a kill about 2 miles from my feet, an elephant almost soundlessly stripping bark from a tree about 50′ from the end of my bedroll, 3 guys snoring close by, and 500 +/- mosquitoes buzzing inside my mosquito net.  OK, I didn’t actually count the mosquitoes, but suffice to say, the sides and top of my net were coated with the varmints.  Anyway, my senses heightened acutely.  I wasn’t in the least scared, in fact I felt connected to the whole scene – micro and macro – the moment and The Moment in Time/Space.  I belonged there, ‘they’ belonged there, and we were each/all necessary inclusions.  My senses tuned me into that moment – or rather, my mind stopped long enough for me to tune into my senses which were tuned into that moment.

So here I am 10 years later, practicing tuning into my senses in order to tune into what is on offer … aligning myself, letting go of preconceptions, making choices about the part I want to play – not just in the short term ‘moment’, but also in the long term ‘scheme of things.’ After 60+ years on this planet, I am truly beginning to enjoy the privilege of being human, and truly grateful for this experience of living Life As It Is.   

11 Responses

  1. Ann Mac
    Welcome to this new life experience. Having come up in a similar situation as you with no computers…”can other people even imagine a time where there was NONE?”. It has been quite a learning curve. However one great thing is I find out what people are up to faster while reading their bloggs, and smile as I see them and now YOU in my mind.
    Way to go girl! And an “at a boy” for Tom, he is just the best!
    Love, Mari

  2. William Holt

    Dear Ann,
    As usual, reading your engaging writing is like sitting with you live and in person. You have real gift of being real and I deeply value your contributions to me, my family, our business TriVergent, and the world.
    Love and partnership,

  3. Cara room

    Ann, what a wonderful site!! You are such a powerful, wonderful, absolutely engaging woman!! Thank you for you and for sharing with us. I look forward to more… Love, Cara

  4. Lucy Ackerman

    Ann — As usual, this communication from you is so timely and spot on for me this wonderful Monday morning. I look forward to reading more and being reconnected with you, my friend.

  5. Scott Downs

    Ann –
    Beautiful stuff. You write with such grace and authenticity. I love your blog. Will spread the word!
    Love, honour, respect
    Scott Downs

  6. Jenny Meadows

    Ann, I’m thrilled that you are blogging! Reading your writing is like being with you, which is always a pleasure and a learning opportunity.
    Please say more about Lifeshocks and Edges and any other words you might have used in the video that non-MTL people might be curious about. Your blog is already going to non-MLT people and getting comments too! YEA!!

  7. Lynn Wright

    Well done, Ann! I look forward to reading your posts as this new adventure of yours unfolds.

  8. Colin Darch

    Dear Ann,
    I so much enjoyed reading your blog, and when I got to the end, I wanted to read more. I can hear your voice clearly through your writing, it’s authentic. Please keep posting entries, above the line or below it, your learnings teach all of us who read what you post. Word is already spreading in Cape Town!
    With love

  9. Valerie Burson

    I love your blog. Your postings are ‘right-on’ and…, well…, ‘healing,’ as if by examples of how we can be.
    I look forward to checking back often to partake of your humanness and your wisdom.
    Love, Valerie