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"/> NYC Visionaries - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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NYC Visionaries

Thinking more about the first EVER New York City More To Life Weekend brought to mind the importance of having a vision, being a visionary. That weekend was brought to life by a handful of people who were called – who had an immediate heart-compelling response to 9/11. They saw the possibility of the spiritual Phoenix implicit in the ashes of the twin towers. And so they banded together, proclaimed their vision of a More To Life Weekend in New York City, and as their energy snowballed, so did others see the vision and answer their own heart's urging.

Cindy Lebow has been at the heart of this happening – enrolling people into More To Life Weekends all over the country, so they could see the power of the weekend for themselves and, hopefully, participate in creating one in NYC. Cindy touched the lives of most of the trainees before they ever arrived on Friday night. Jodi Daley, soul sister to Cindy, had her heart and hand on every feather of this rising Phoenix. Ralph Hubbard in Knoxille, TN, Cindy's buddy, pulling every string he knew to forward the creation of this training. Brent Burich adding his webmagic to make it all more visible. Pauleen Ward Brown, another partner, has been in from the beginning – in a big way.

Those are just the ones I know about. Then there was constant support from Warren Kahn – a New York native himself – participating weekly with the  leadership of this nascent community of visionaries. Peggy Jarrett lent her overview expertise, several of us lead NYC Self Esteem Courses to interest New Yorkers in what else might be possible for them.

This same kind of effort has been repeated in many places – Brocas Walton and Suzy Lyle in South Africa, Lynn Hatherly Pierce in London, Petra Weidgen/Briggy Kiddle in Germany, Jan Matney in Bozeman, me and Ann Barnett in Houston. And then there is Brad Brown and Roy Whitten – the initial visionaries who saw what was possible in the human spirit – the essential spirit that can rise through the ashes of a personal and collective past, who knows how to soar on the winds of change, just for the glory of riding those everyday thermals – at one with themselves, at one with other Phoenixes, at one with Life Just As IT Is.