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"/> More about rituals - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


More about rituals

The concept of ‘rituals’ has stayed with me all day today, and I was remembering more and more. So let’s look at the creation of new rituals.

Giving credit to family, cultural and religious rituals, I think there is also a place for creating rituals. The granddaughter of a friend of mine is going through chemo, and knowing that she would be losing her hair, her brother volunteered to have her shave his head, and so did the dad. It was a ritual with lots of family in attendance, pictures, the whole katootie. It turned what could have been a traumatic episode into a solid recognition of fact and camaraderie.

I remember a friend of mine who sewed a special apron that had ultra
long sashes to tie in the back. It was a ritual apron – to mark her
son’s 18th birthday. He and some of his friends gathered around while
the mother tied the apron first around herself, then with the extra
long sashes, also tied her son with the apron strings. There were words
said (I can’t remember the words, only the act – which is usually what
sticks in the mind), then with ‘ceremonial scissors’ – the son cut the
apron strings and he was no longer tied to his mom’s apron. What a cool

On New Year’s Eve, a group of us get together and write out all the things we want to leave behind from the last year, and we burn them in the fireplace – a ritual of letting go. A couple who were getting a divorce, went through a "divorce" ritual – apologizing, asking and giving forgiveness to each other, and committing to remain friends, while no longer sharing their lives in the same way.

When Hayleigh draws a picture at school, we have a ritual of hanging
it on my "fridgalator" (as she calls it). Whenever I move, I have a
ritual of going through each room in the
house before I shut the door finally, and I speak to each room –
completing my connection with it, so that I go into the new home, not
dragging any energy from the old place to the new place. It makes it
easier to be fully "in" my new home.

Companies have rituals. I remember this one boss took his team out for dinner and drinks when they achieved this big success. They were able to look back on the journey, laugh, and acknowledge each other for a job well done.

My challenge is for us to create rituals – rituals that mark a specific point in time, or an achievement, or even a "letting go." Some people have a gift for it – use them. Isabel Vidal, a friend of mine in Johannesburg, regularly creates rituals for all kinds of things – solstices, home blessings, etc. Marianne Williamson has a book, Illuminata, which is a treasure trove of rituals. And use your amazing bio-computer to generate rituals of your own. They usually have more of you invested in them, and therefore more "ooomph." 

I can’t wait to hear about Your Rituals!

3 Responses

  1. Isabel

    What a wonderful question.
    A reminder to let go of old myths and to focus on the ones we choose to live by…
    a form of living an enchanted life …
    through an attitude that sees potential in everything… that brings magic and meaning into our daily activities …
    What I noticed in how rituals are fundamentally about intention and attention .. on that which adds meaning to our lives ….
    I love starting my day with creative writing that flows through my soul without any judgments of write or wrong…
    It puts me in a place of magic and openness for a new day…
    I am working consciously in celebrating my body through daily rituals of different levels of exercise and meditation ( includes movement and dancing), surrounded by beautiful candles and evocative music.
    The focus is sacred space, necessary for the nurturing of my soul, so that I can contribute to the uplifting of a positive vibration in the world.
    I noticed how much I love rose scents and flowers, candles, and natural stones which I take from the river as my mirror….
    I have learned to seek meaning in everything I attract and to look at it, as guidance – rituals of grace connecting me to the power of the now.
    Fundamentally I realized that through rituals I build bridges – as above so below …as within so without…
    by waking up my senses and consciously connect with higher vibrational frequencies through the power of symbolic sight, with focus and in action …
    an art …
    I have learned to celebrate my life with …
    Oh yes …
    I just realized how I want to add more fun rituals as my natural tendency is to take life too seriously …
    Thank you !!!
    Once again, a wonderful mentoring post…
    Looking forward for more …

  2. Hello Ann
    I so love reading your daily postings – I find them so uplifting.
    I giggled at the apron string ritual – I have never heard of it before and wish I had known about it when my kids were younger so that they could have cut the apron strings.
    I also loved that you mentioned Isabel – as you know she is my friend too and I treasure her friendship.

  3. Kathy

    I miss the greeting ritual with my parents who passed years ago…my daughter isn’t touchy feely & I respect that. Most of our rituals are just short cuts to living…I’m glad you reminded me to look at that. I remember how Eursella and Kelvin’s wedding ritual was so about them and not just another wedding…right down to his favorite soda.