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"/> Mindful Reminder - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Mindful Reminder

For 99cents, I bought an application for my iphone that is a chime. Every hour, it makes a chime-sound – Images-1
like a handbell – low key, easy-on-the-ears – a subtle little burst of awakening.

It is a proactive action that serves the purpose of reminding me to come home to myself, to remember myself, to bring my awareness to the whole of me as I exist in this specific moment – from toes to hair. So every chime I hear, my intent is to pause, take those 3 conscious breaths, and be awake to exactly what I am experiencing – data incoming via my senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching) and feelings (physical sensations).

It has been shocking to me how often I am SO invested in whatever is happening at the moment, while being unaware of the full extent of my own physicality. Frequently my awareness is concentrated on what's happening outside myself. If I'm unaware of mySELF in any moment, it's a moment in which I have lost an opportunity to either maximize who I am or course correct and get back on track with who I am when I'm at my best. (Thankfully, so far, I've been blessed with further chances to invest fully – like every next moment.)

I want to be Fully Invested in every moment. And I cannot be Fully Invested in every moment if I am not spending attention on the state of my own being, as well as spending attention on what's happening. I want to be truly awake to all the gifts that are inherent in each moment – the gifts to me personally, the gifts to my relationships, and the gifts to that Bigger Picture, of which we are all a part.


3 Responses

  1. I did this recently myself, Ann, and I saw a shift in my state in just a day or two. My timings were a little different, but I got 10 reminders a day. I am glad to be reminded of this technique and will re-run it this week!!
    I love you!