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"/> Keeping My Word - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Keeping My Word

Images-1 About 2 weeks ago, I was reading a coaching feedback form (More To Life coaching course) in which a friend of mine had decided to give up playing spider solitaire on her computer – and how much time and creativity that had freed up for her. I was so inspired, I decided not to play Free Cell (another computer game) until the end of the month – just to see what difference that would make in my life. (Upon occasion, I have found myself at 4am, playing Free Cell, feeling well and truly bored. OK … on too many occasions!)

I have not played one game of Free Cell since then – keeping my word… and feeling smug. So I Images decided to see what her attraction to spider solitaire was. Yep, you guessed it. I played until the wee hours of the morning, figuring out the game.

It hit me a couple of days ago. While technically keeping my word about Free Cell, I just supplanted one addiction for another – not really freeing up my time.  That little AHA! Moment got me to think about where else that pattern is alive and well in my life – the pattern of being literal about keeping my word, and not really handling my life. Oh, yes, there are other places … like keeping my word about sugar, but allowing health macaroon cookies that have honey in them. And there are more.

I call it obeying the letter of the law, but not the spirit. Another term is sneaky. So now I am committing to give up all computer games until June 15 – just to see what happens – a little present to myself.

2 Responses

  1. Scott Hunter

    Hi Ann,
    Great notice.
    This is one of my “addictions” as well – playing free cell and spider solitaire “too much” – minesweeper is another for me. I’ll follow your example and commit to myself not to play any computer games until June 15 as well. I’ll notice how I stay awake to these commitment for the next two weeks!
    Thankyou for your words and thoughts in these blogs. They are a great inspiration to me.
    Much love.
    Scott Hunter

  2. Thanks Ann for the post. I can really see myself in this in a slightly different way. When I first became self employed when ever I got stuck or ‘troubled’ about something I just didn’t want to handle I played spider – I would play it until I won which (early on) could take hours. I got what I was doing and supplanted it with “I’ll just give myself a treat and let myself play” – and Hours later…..you KNOW the picture.
    I see the pattern now and occasionally play – but it is very freeing NOT to. Because underneath all of that treat – the ‘trouble’ was still brewing and waiting to be dealt with and the ‘relief’ of playing or the ‘treat’ of playing didn’t get rid of the ‘trouble’ (the stuck) underneath.