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"/> It Really IS all about ME! (or is it?) - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


It Really IS all about ME! (or is it?)

Is it?  Or isn't it?  Yes, my sensory apparatus picks up sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touch – but does it pick up everything? Or has my mind trained me to acknowledge some data and discard other data? I know for sure that my reticular activating system discards data contrary to my current bio-DOS (bio-operating system). That means my incoming data isn't necessarily reliable. That would mean that I am living inside a world that is a matrix of my own constructs. In that case, it really is all about ME – existing inside a world of my own devising.

I have much evidence that is true. Being absorbed in a book often renders me oblivious to other things happening around me … until the volume of external events breaks through my engrossment in my "book-world." I have other evidence, more unfortunate (to put it mildly). For instance, in the not toImageso distant past (OK, it still happens), my bio-DOS has created a world in which it is up to me to "make it happen" – whatever the current 'it' is. External events (lifeshocks) have to get loud enough to break through my engrossment in "making it happen." Only then am I free to 'see' the world more accurately, more acutely.

So in the end, I have decided that it is both ways. When it's all about me is when I am encapsulated in a small world – a world where I am only receptive to data that is corrupted by a bio-DOS that was formulated and habituated by the past.

When it's not all about me is when I am curious, like a child, exploring how it all works, enthusiastic about the adventure – faithing.

My life mission is to disentangle myself from MY world, discover THE world, and play my part in it.


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