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"/> Change of Tune - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Change of Tune

I made an appointment with my dermatologist to have a couple of moles on my neck removed. I get to the appointment on time and wait for almost an hour before the doctor comes in. It is a different doctor – one I have never seen before. And she's acting all friendly, like she doesn't know that I made the appointment with the other doctor. Now I'm getting a little head of steam built up, first because I have waited so long, and mostly because someone made another of those unilateral decisions that affects me – without including me in the decision-making process. Oh, and because she's pretending, and I'm supposed to pretend as well.

I ask her rather briskly how long this will take, because I have to leave in 30 minutes to make my next appointment. (So I was a little snarky.) She says 10 minutes. OK, I'm a bit mollified by that.  So while she does some prep work, numbing my skin; I'm doing some repair work in my mind – getting back into right relationship with myself and her and this situation; so I can be present to her, when I ask about the reason for the change of doctors, and why I wasn't included in that decision.

And then she asks her assistant for the blade. The Blade. I come to full alert. Here's a person about to take a knife and wield it on my throat – I absolutely don't want to piss her off. So jokingly, I say, "you should find another word for that – "blade" conjures some pretty scary mental images." She laughs. I exhale. Connection made.

I forgot to ask about the change of doctors and why I wasn't consulted.

Note to Self: If I could have a "do over" …  Once I waited for so long, I would set a time limit on how much longer I was willing to wait. Then I would practice patience, use that time to be still. So when she came in, I would be open (not tight from being ticked off about waiting), and, with curiosity, I would ask what happened to my doctor. Then, if appropriate, I would ask why wasn't I consulted about the change. Likely I would have been fine. That scenario would be more in alignment with the Spiritual Warrior within me.

What do you want to bet that I'll get another opportunity to practice … soon! (This time I'll be more prepared.)

 PS  In the old days, I would have gotten on my case for being snarky and for not asking for information. Now I regularly practice visualizing how I would do it differently the next time. It's a more productive way of evolving.

5 Responses

  1. Thank you Ann for being such an inspiration to me – every day with your words of insight from your blog. I’m gonna miss these when you take your next South Africa trip. Hopefully you can stay connected to some degree while away.

  2. da blade!! hope it went well.. and you are less molee… 😉
    yea.. the doctors office is a great place to practice patience and the skills of reading out of date magazines.. ie: catching up on information I have been missing.

  3. Jean

    Ann, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to share with us and write this blog. I want you to know I look forward to reading it each day. What you write is my daily reminder of how I can be a warrior as I learn my way at my new job as a RN in labor and delivery. Where there is definitely a LOT of drama going on!

  4. Linda Boenisch

    Thank you for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration. I share with friends how you developed a list of friends to call when you forget what you are about. I have my list and encourage them to make theirs and add my name. I am grateful to be on this earth with you at this moment in time. Thank you for reminding me I am a Spiritual Warrior.
    Love, Joy, Peace,

  5. Kathy

    I hope no nasty press comes of this – I hear Richard Gere started some unsavy rumors years ago with a similar procedure. I took my granddaughter for her sports physical last week and she was quite proud of being the healthiest patient he’d seen all day (it didn’t occur to her that maybe the others were sick)… Your blogs are a delight.