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"/> Hurricane Ike from a kid's point of view - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Hurricane Ike from a kid’s point of view

A couple of days ago, I was chatting with Janet Cohen, a good friend, as well as a resident of Galveston Island. She and her family are unable to return to Galveston as yet, the city is not allowing residents to return until there are more services available.

She was telling me what it was like to be dispossessed, and how she was using all the skills she has learned from the More To Life Program to abate the fear her mind would generate every time she saw pictures of the devastation of her island home. In the process, she was telling me how proud she was of her Joy, Sebastian, Sabrinadaughter and the two children of the family with whom her family is staying. They came up with a song and a skit that depicted their feelings about Hurricane Ike.

 I thought y'all should know what 9-year-old Joy Cohen-Blake and Sebastian and Sabrina Avila-Katine, both 6-years-old, created. I wish there were a you-tube version of this, but here is a picture of the 3 kids and the words to their song (slightly assisted by Janet – she swears this is mostly their creation). You'll have to imagine their antics as they sang the following song:

"Hurricane Ike" – by Joy Cohen-Blake, Sebastian and Sabrina Avila-Katine

Down in the Western

There's a big hurricane.

Maybe I don't like it

But my fear is causing pain.

Hurricane Ike

Sure did cause some fright.

It woke us up at night,

And that we didn't like.

The trees fell in the pool,

And that wasn't cool.

It made us feel sad,

Hurricane Ike was bad.

Our parents kept us safe,

That was nice and great.

We hope you like our song,

Now you can sing along.

(If only we were as resilient as children.)