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"/> Ground Hog Day - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Ground Hog Day

Scene:  Two days after Ground hog day, 9am, local radio station, ready to be interviewed live regarding the More To Life program. I was asked, “Where is William Holt?”  Lifeshock for me. They had William as the interviewer, I was "Guest." Except William didn’t know anything about it, and no one at the radio station was willing to interview me, so they cancelled.

Hmmmm. I went through a cascade of feelings – first was relief, because I have to work myself up to do radio/TV shows.  I’m a psychotherapist, trainer, and coach. It’s a different skill set than being interviewed. I’d much rather face an angry person than an unknown interviewer.

On the way home, I heard these kinds of internal castigations and “shoulds”:
“Chicken, you should have taken advantage of the opportunity, you should have asked to interview yourself, then you could have demonstrated in real time exactly how Life offers creative possibilities; but no, you did what you always do, you opted out, took the easy way. You don’t walk your talk, you’re a fraud and a sham. No one else knows, but *I* do. You should be ashamed of yourself for feeling relief.”

ImgresWhile the above statements are patently false, there is a nugget in there upon which I can alter my future, should a similar situation arise. I could have (vs should have) offered to interview myself about how it was to expect one thing, then deal with the Real Reality in a constructive, creative way. It would have been a real life example of maximizing opportunity, which is what I teach in the More To Life program.

Ground hog day. I'm betting I'll have that kind of opportunity again … and again.

1 Response

  1. Robbie Gammack

    I love this share Ann. How wonderful that you have the knowledge, skill and practice of the work to be able to recognize your mindtalk, tell the truth and make a new choice. Thanks for reminding me of the same for myself.
    Much love,