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"/> Excitement-Fear-Excitement - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.



Tomorrow 12 coaches, 4 team members, plus me, are gathering together to initiate a new course – a course for coaches who want to coach people who know nothing about the More to Life Program.  These coaches have gone to some rather extraordinary lengths to arrive at this place in their lives. They all have done the More to Life Weekend (28 hours), the Power of Purpose Course (15 hours), and Way of a Warrior (6-1/2 day residential), Coaching Essentials for More to Life students, (4 month course), and most of them have done loads of other courses as well.  Yes, committed folks – committed to their own personal growth, to the growth of others, and holding all of that as a sacred journey. It's quite an experience to be walking side by side with people of this caliber.

That's my excitement. I absolutely love being at the beginning of things, doing new things. (And Really – each moment is the beginning of a new thing – but then, you know that.) I can feel myself opening to all the possibilities of what might happen this coming weekend.

erk … "possibilities? what about 'bad' possibilities?  what if the weekend is a bomb?  Oh, yeah, that's what's going to happen, it's going to bomb, I'm going to bomb, and all those people will have wasted their weekend because of me." 

And on it goes, predicting disaster in my head – stomach tightens, jaw locks up, inhale only, breath held – fear. (A bit melodramatic, heavy on the egocentricity – and familiar.)

Oh, I'm scared … of what?
Do I know for sure that any of that catastrophizing will really happen?
No. Ah, I see, I'm living in the future again.

Truthfully, I know what I'm doing, the coaches know what they're doing, I have a great manual from Pascale Ascher, terrific handouts from Annabelle Tatham, an awesome team, our purpose is set – and whatEVER comes up is part of the journey – no biggie – it'll be fun – this is what I like – living Life As IT Is – being in the moment – creating with what IS!"

Yes, that's right … exhale, another exhale, back to excitement again.

The first one is in Houston, the second in Capetown in October, the third in London in January, 2009. Darn! I have to go to Capetown and London. Yes, I love my life.

And in a few months, these coaches will be available to those of you who want to fast track your growth. See if you can't love your life even more!

PS For those of you who have already done the Power of Purpose, the Power of Self Esteem or The More To Life Weekend, these coaches are available to you now! Here's the link to the coaches' page.

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