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"/> Exchanging Fear for Intention - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Exchanging Fear for Intention

It has been amazing to me how intention can change my life. When I was married, I was intent on not getting divorced. Yes, that's the way I lived it – scared of the ramifications of being a single mom. I worked hard not to do the wrong thing, figure out what would keep him from getting angry.That's not the only time or place where I played that game … sincere thoughts focused on something negative, or something NOT happening.

Here's a tidbit I didn't know 37 years ago. The subconscious mind believes we can do/have anything (like in Imgres dreams), and therefore doesn't register the word NOT (can't, won't, etc). Not Divorced registers as Divorced. E.g., do NOT think about a chocolate cookie. Pause. I'll bet you pictured a chocolate cookie in your mind. Maybe you started salivating as your body responded to that cookie. While there isn't a real cookie, your body responds as if it were real. That's the power of a mental image affecting your body/emotions.

When my mind is focused on a heart-felt outcome, I call it Prayer/Intention. When it's focused on a feared outcome, I call it Negative Prayer/Intention. Either way, prayer/intention seems to open doors of manifestation to whatever image is foremost in my mind.

Knowing all this now, my practice, and my recommendation, is to be wise about what I pray for, what I focus on in my mind … intend/pray for what I want (not what I don't want). No guarantees, as usual, but at least I'm being proactive.

PS  See previous posts on the Reticular Activating System (RAS).