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"/> Spotlight on Colette Stevens - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Spotlight on Colette Stevens

Colette Stevens and I were talking this week via skype ( I love skype – she was in London, I was in Johannesburg, and the call was free)! 
She is a spiritual warrior of the first order, as you will see. I have her permission to share a story from her life.

When she was 11, her music teacher refused to let her sing a solo, she insisted, the teacher relented. When she got up to perform her solo, she saw her teacher, and she froze – then she saw a smirk on her teacher’s face. That event, being processed via her 11-year-old mind, was a turning point in her life.  From then on, she determined not to be in the spotlight, to be supportive of others who were in the lead. She made up a new version of herself, replacing the spunky kid who kept pursuing what she wanted. The new version of Colette was doubtful of her ability to rise to the occasion; accused of being pathetic, untrustworthy and insubstantial and demanded never to be in the spotlight again, or even visible.

Those who have had the good fortune to be a part of her life for the past 20 years or so, have watched her regain more and more of the original version of herself – someone who has wisdom; great compassion for others; and a well-honed, discerning eye. Today she is the next Training Supervisor (THE leadership role) for the More to Life Weekend in London, as well as one of our amazing More To Life coaches.

One of the last things Colette said in our conversation was that she wanted to contribute her song – whatever it was, whenever it was in her heart to contribute.  And as it happens, Darren Cavanaugh, an awake and creative being in our midst, captured Colette on film singing her song of the moment.  Follow this url to a YouTube posting to enjoy Darren’s spotlight on Colette – real, human, funny, and willing to be who she is in every moment – impossible not to love:                                                            


4 Responses

  1. Isabel

    Dear Collette,
    What a wonderful, funny and inspirational spirit you are…
    YOu have no idea how we laughed when Ann showed me the video…
    so outrageously funny I could not have enough…
    watched it again yesterday…
    and again …
    to laugh again and again …
    in sheer delight…
    with your delight …
    so thank you…
    I was reminded of another wonderful magical soul – Ruth, from London, with who I experinced some of my most magical moments as we travelled together across the world…
    and for who I am most grateful for…
    So Ruth if you see this Video you know why I keep reminding you of the power of your magical spirit…
    it simply is …
    nothing to be added…
    nothing to be taken away…
    just PUrrrrfect!!!

  2. Martha

    Dear Collette, You are the cutest thing I have ever seen. You give Dolly Parton a run for her money. What a gift to know you.

  3. Wow Collette, I had no idea you were so musically inclined. Had I known this when I was in England (back in’94) I would’ve let you teach me how to sing country, instead of trying to teach you the authentic “Texan” dialect! Yeehaw!

  4. Isabel

    Hi Angela,
    long time no see…
    lovely to see you here…
    I agree…
    Collete is a musical hoot!!!
    hee hee hee
    and yet…
    aren’t we all???