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"/> Claiming mySELF – Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Claiming mySELF

Why is it so easy to come up with all the things that are “wrong” with me, that I need to fix/heal/get over? And at the same time, claiming the qualities that I know are true and real is so much harder, embarrassing, un-owned.

There’s an upside to “working on myself” – it can look selfless, noble, committed, virtuous, and even, may I say – saintly. Hey! I’m not perfect, but I’m working on it. Which, of course, leads to the downside – WHILE I’m “working on myself,” it would be unconscionable and downright Rude to point out my flaws, to kick me while “I’m working on it.”  The downside can allow, even promote, minimal progress. This is especially true when little progress is being made.

The biggest downside is that my focus is NOT on my birthright – my true and life-given qualities that are embedded in my spiritual DNA – my integrity, my ability to love and be loved, my unique talents and skills that are mine to contribute to the Greater Good. When I claim all that, my head is lifted (not navel-gazing), my heart is opened, and my compassion for myself and everyone else on the planet is expanded. Scary! but So Much More Exciting – and faster evolution.

So make a list of 200 qualities (yes, really) that you know are part and parcel of who you are when you are at your best, when your SELF shows up and makes a difference. Claim your qualities, notice when you’ve missed, course-correct, re-claim yourSELF.

Why not?

24 Responses

  1. Hilary de Kok

    Thank you Ann! I’m going to take up your challenge – tomorrow. Valentine’s Day seems an appropriate day to affirm and build this relationship with self!

  2. Cecillia

    Wow! What a gift to find in my inbox this morning. When I saw the title, “Claiming mySELF”, there was no, “Oh, I’ll read that later.” I wanted to start my day with this.

    Last night I was glowing from another gift — participating in a special 3-hour version of Anger, Passion & Compassion, which Ross Pierkowski and Sylvia Hebert presented. As a result of some of the work we did in the class, I came up with this: “I will take a stand for my own worth.” I listed all of three qualities I saw in myself, plus another eight things I could see myself standing for in the world, which I realized also reflected qualities of mySELF.

    Thank you for supporting me in my stand with this challenge/gift. List 200!!! qualities that are part of my true SELF???!!! Okay. As you said, “Why not?”

    You give the best homework, Ann. I love you.

  3. Renee

    200?! Yikes. That will take some digging. It will be an honest look at me and who I am meant to be. I’ll let you know when i’ve Completed my list. Thank you for the challenge.

  4. Steb

    I love that, even with your great mastery in this journey, you show us that there is weeding to do every day in this garden of ours.

  5. Ellen

    “Navel Gazing” made me laugh and of course see in my life. 200 truths and Celebrate Valentine’s Day! Warrior on my Friends❤️

  6. Rachel K.

    Well, my halo just got knocked off! I do think myself virtuous for constantly digging for the dirt in my soul. Time to mine for gold!