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"/> Child-like vs Childish - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Child-like vs Childish

Oenca Fontaine (a More to Life Coach) and I were talking today about her natural child-like-ness – spontaneous, light, open, curious, easy to love and be loved. It is the magical part of us – the part that delights in ourselves, delights in others, and delights in the moment. Admittedly, some moments are easier to delight in than others, as are some people sometimes. No one I know can stay in that place all the time – I wish! However, I know those times – it's when I am the most free – like playing with Hayleigh. I never know what she's going to say/do next, so I am totally open to her. Again, not all the time – but more frequently 
than not. Mostly because I am so intrigued by her guilelessness – so refreshing and light of being.
And in the cupboard
In one of the holy books, it says, "unless you become as little children, you will

by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." My interpretation of this quote includes another quote about the "Kingdom of God is at hand" – meaning right here, right now – in the present moment. Combining these two would mean that, when I am child-like is when I experience heaven on earth. My personal experience corroborates that.

The corollary would be that if I want to participate in bringing heaven on earth, then it behooves me to
be child-like.

However, childish behavior seems to be the order of the day – between countries, in houses of government, in companies, between partners, and all on our own. We are metaphorically sucking our thumbs, having temper tantrums, sulking, etc. I'm personally acquainted will all of those metaphors/behaviors.

But what if we DID decide to experience the guilelessness of a child – at least once everyday?
Wonder what would happen? Hmmmmm