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"/> Bringing Order from Chaos - Claire Jackson - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Bringing Order from Chaos – Claire Jackson

This is an email (edited) I received from Claire Jackson, More To Life Coach and Training Supervisor for the More to Life Weekend, previously scheduled for April, now scheduled for June, 2011. She is creating order out of the chaos. Read on.

"Starting my journey as the Training Supervisor for the More To Life Weekend in Christchurch, New Zealand, my support partner asked me, “What might get in your way?” To which I answered, “Loss of vision and self doubt.”

Initially I visualised the More To Life Weekend as a stone tumbler in which we were rumbling, tumbling  and banging together, creating the heat of transformation from which we emerge as the true gems we are. I didn’t count on a 6.3 magnitude earthquake to literally shake my vision to the ground. And so easily my eyes became clouded, not just from the dust of crumpled buildings and dried liquefaction, but also through my own collapse into impossibility. As I rediscover my vision, I realize it too has evolved, as have I. I see our next More to Life weekend in Christchurch as the place to find our foundation stone, our heart stone, the place we can each stand firm when life as we know it may be tumbling around us.63

As weeks have passed the aftershocks have subsided and the anxiety has lessened. The niggling frustrations of boiling water and snail-pace traffic appear so irrational when I know of others grieving the loss of loved ones.  

Yet in amongst it all, there are many moments of laughter and huge amounts of creativity – port-a-pottys festooned with feather boas, milk cartons with a golden heart pasted on them. All around there are glimmers of lightness and hope.  

These moments remind me what it is to find my YES (to the way it is)! It’s from the leaning in to awkward, difficult "NO" moments that I am finding the energy and inspiration to revision the More To Life Weekend.

Things are different now, and it would be madness to continue creating a More To Life Weekend for April, as if life were the same. My stake is in the ground for June 24 -26. Many of the plans I had laid are now irrelevant, the venue is due to be demolished. Life is messy, and it is rarely as I expect it to be. I am rarely as I think I should be; and despite my perceived imperfections, I know I have the strength to create the More To Life Weekend with the support of others. 

Join me in creating the next More to Life on 24 – 26 June, where we can each find the place we stand firm, our Foundation Heart Stone!"

For more details email: [email protected]