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"/> Blind Spots and Outlooks - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Blind Spots and Outlooks

Outlooks and blind spots. I have 'em. You have 'em. Companies have 'em. Nations have 'em.

My outlook on life, my point of view, is shaped, colored, tainted, skewed by the filters of my gender, race, age, family order, etc., as well as all the exeriences I've ever had – religious/spiritual, traumatic/pleasureable. The problem is that these filters have blind spots that trip me up, sabotage relationships and important goals in my life. And, because I can't see them, it's hard to figure out what's going on, so they stay unfixed. Hence the conundrum of wanting to get on with my life, but not knowing what's in my blind spot that's getting in my way.

Eg: a man's outlook on life is different from a woman's, and their blind spots are different. The same goes for multinational companies vs family-run businesses; upper class vs middle class, republican vs democrat; big pharma vs naturopaths – all these outlooks come with blind spots, personal and corporate.

Problems arise when one outlook is judged as right/wrong, instead of investigated. What to do?  Fortunately, there is a saving grace. And that saving grace is relationship, fellowship, community.

From my outlook, your blind spot is visible and vice versa. If we combine our outlooks with others'
6a00e55389e2858834017d429cd107970c-200wi outlooks, corporate blind spots become visible. Once visible, realistic change is possible. Without others' outlooks in my life, a variety of others' outlooks, my world wouldn't have the dimentionality that is revealed via the eyes of others.

Bottom line: at our worst, our outlooks/blind spots keep us "at war" with all other outlooks that are different. At our best, our outlooks serve each other, illuminating blind spots so we can all see the fuller picture, then our choices become more wholistic and realistic.