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"/> Beth McAlpine - owning the full extent of personal power - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Beth McAlpine – owning the full extent of personal power

Beth McAlpine The other day, Beth McAlpine (a More To Life Coach) was telling me about a huge shift she made in her personal power. She was the Training Supervisor for the last More to Life Weekend in Johannesburg, South Africa. The moment she realized it was a shift was when her voice was strong and attention-getting, while her knees were a bit shaky – "TEAM!", she said. That was the turning point … affirmed by her team's immediate reclamation of awareness. She added a jump-shift in her Personal Power to her unique leadership style that already combines purpose and fun/lightness of being. WOW!

I remember my original More To Life Weekend (known as The Life Training back then), when Brad Brown said, "I don't know what happened in your family, but you have given up your power."  I was 38 years old. Something slotted into place for me that I have no words for, and something rose up in me and fairly shouted, "NO MORE!" For the next hour, I was 100% engaged in the battle for my birthright – my birthright to be fully, wholly, totally mySELF.  That one hour was a turning point in my life. My bar of personal power was forever raised. It took a bit for me to be gracious about this shift, as I re-trained those around me to include my 'voice' in ways that had previously been unexpressed. Over the years, I have gotten more used to those shifts of power in myself, as I reclaim more and more of my essential self. I am way more interested in making a difference and discovering the Truth than I am in whether or not you like me. That's your business, not mine…which sounds harsh, but is totally liberating – not to my self-indulgence, but to my own knowing of who I am.

All shifts include a mini-death to the way it has been (which is why they are so scary) and a rebirth into the Way It Really Is. And our children and our children's children are depending on us to keep pushing this evolutionary boundary – more of us owning more of our personal power, so we can keep evolving mankind, and being more responsible for planet earth.

2 Responses

  1. Beautiful – thank you.
    You had me thinking about how much value I have gained each time by being On Team. Not only from the MTL personal growth perspective that comes with all these weekends, but from a life skills perspective too. Working as an individual within a team, focussed on my role as well as all the others around me, cohesively creating that sacred space for all those participating on the weekend, is an awesome experience.
    The whole RIVAS process delivers intended results for every aspect of the weekend. One of the things I have done is use the basic RIVAS process for business meetings and found it hugely rewarding. But to date I have not really used it for personal ‘meetings’.
    I have just had a weekend with my daughter and son visiting me in our new home in the country and it all went by so fast and I didn’t really get to connect at all in the way I had hoped to. On reflection – after reading your mail too – I decided that for all weekend visitors from now on I will go through a RIVAS beforehand in order to create the space I want to hold for the best possible connection with everyone over the weekend. To Be and not just Do.
    Time seems ever more precious and so if I am more purposeful I will surely benefit so much more!?
    Thank you for your blog posts – there is almost always something wonderful that I relate to and learn from. I just thought I’d share my thoughts this time!