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"/> Being "IN" the Moment - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Being “IN” the Moment

My friend Elaine Alpert gave me a book, highly recommended. While I was waiting for a call, I thought I’d read a few pages, see what she was so excited about.  Then, in the preface, I read this quote: “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you; if you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”    From the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

I read that quote 5 or 6 times. Each time I felt more hopeful … and more scared.

I so totally know what it’s like to be in my skin, when I am bringing forth what is within me – nothing is more important than This Moment, senses turned ON, at ease and present to whoever/whatever is in This Moment with me. Alive. Real. Open/curious. Unconcerned about whatever is next.images

I also know what it’s like to be in my skin when I am not bringing forth that which is within me.

Standing outside The Moment. Trying to find the right way to handle The Moment. How to change it. How to make it go away. How not to hurt someone/or get hurt.

At this stage of my life, I know I have my own unique destiny, a destiny that only I can fulfill. That is true about every person. I will either invest myself in The Moments I am offered (over and over again), or I will deny myself, deny my place in the Big Scheme of Things. I do both. Hence the Hopefulness and the Fear.

The book:  The Great Work of Your Life, by Stephen Cope.