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"/> Being Honed - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Being Honed

When I first started training the More To Life Weekends, I used to dread the next day. Mondays were so dispiriting. I would think of all the things I didn’t say, that I Should Have said – and all the things I did say, that I Shouldn’t Have said (or Should Have said differently).

When I think of this as a pattern in my life, I can see that the more I have wanted to make a difference, or do well, or have something be successful, the more likely I am to bash myself for not doing as well as I thought I Should – lots of demand about perfection.

Yesterday morning, after the Durban More To Life Weekend, I noticed that I had a little return dip into that pattern. I woke up disappointed in myself as I flashed on a couple of incidences that I wished I had done differently. However, I didn’t plunge headfirst into the old pattern. I caught it within a few minutes and determined to do it differently this next weekend in Cape Town. I also noted that the changes I want to make are more about maximizing the open doorways that could have lead to even more of a difference, and not so much about messing up.

295The weekend itself was glorious – deep, connecting and light. Vijay Reddy stepped into partnering with me. The team was stellar – open, connected, committed, energized and so very capable. The group gelled and “got it.” The experience of the weekend was everything I wanted it to be; and I am honed by it – yet again.

PS Clicking on the pic makes it bigger.

4 Responses

  1. Sheryl Halstead

    Hi Ann, it was a privilige to be on the team; and, such a blessing to have somebody with your character and experience leading the More To Life experience this week-end. Best wishes, Sheryl.

  2. Jean Higgins

    It occurs to me that that which you judge to have been done/said poorly, may have been exactly what someone needed. Clearly a big “don’t know”, may make it easier to let go.

  3. Dear Ann,
    I am grateful for your writings, as they continue to remind me to be real & truthful with myself in the same way. What you practice in your life, in doing this work, in teaching this work, and sharing about it… Serves so many on a larger level towards their own transformation. Thank you, and all the trainers, past and present, for serving humanity in this way. You bring the message of Real freedom, home.