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"/> Before the Trainer Conference - 4Dec08 - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Before the Trainer Conference – 4Dec08

Ranald's portrait

Tomorrow I leave for Atlanta for the More To Life Trainer Conference. It's a perfect time in my life to be hanging out with my tribe. This group of folks from all walks of life, who have a common vision will be meeting for the second time since Brad Brown's death. Brad was the Holder of Our Vision. And while we have yet to find our collective feet in his absence, we have been moving forward in proactive ways.

We have a lot to settle, and in that settling, I expect I (and others) will settle into ourselves in a deeper way. We always have so far. In fact, it's rather difficult not to be refined in some way when surrounded with people who have eyes to see, hearts that open, and bold intentions.

I wonder what going to happen!?&%#@%! ah, yes, 3 conscious breaths!

Dr. K. Bradford Brown
Portrait by Ranald McKechnie, London

1 Response

  1. That’s the kind of image that i really thing is super image like. If more images very real like this were out there we’d be super full of graet images in the world.