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"/> An Unsolicited Act of Kindness - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


An Unsolicited Act of Kindness

DSCN0585 Wednesday was Hayleigh's 5th birthday. I didn't go, because I had the flu – too sick on the one hand, but mostly not wanting to spread my germs – especially to Chase (10 months old) who has just recuperated from a bout with something virulent.

So Hayleigh took my daughter, Rebecca's iPhone, snapped this picture of Chase, gave the phone back to Rebecca, and said, "Here, send this picture to Grann. It'll make her feel better."

An unsolicited act of kindness from a 5-year-old – spontaneously taking a picture of her little brother to brighten up her Grann's day.  The picture alone did the trick. And her thinking of doing that for her ailing Grann was also enough to make my day.

May we all learn from her. May we make a Photo conscious choice to do at least one unsolicited act of kindness each day – for someone we know, for someone we don't, obviously or anonymously – it all works.

The above picture of Hayleigh was taken a few months ago, clowning around at her Uncle Patrick's fire station.

The picture to the right was taken by her with Rebecca's iPhone … Chase, 10 months old – taking his first steps. As you can see, he's now worthy again of his nickname, "Chunk." (He lost weight during his recent 2-week bout with vomiting/diarrhea.)  Looks like it won't be too many years before his nickname is "Hunk."

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