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"/> Always Learning - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


Always Learning

Scene: Madrid, Spain, More To Life’s Relationship Workshop – post workshop mental perambulation through this last weekend. One of the reasons I love doing what I do is that each training either scrapes off yet another chunk of my façade that I didn’t know was there … or it awakens me to a deeper level of my essence … or both.

In this case – it was both! First was a torrent of words coming my way –Spanish via the sound imgressystem, English via the translator. I can usually pick up the essence of something said in Spanish, but in this case, it was so fast and so long, that I felt swamped by gibberish, unable to pick out a single word in either language.

In hindsight, I recall many glazed eyes that have come over other people’s faces when I gushed a monologue. Upon reflection, I’m betting it happens when I want to prove a point, or prove I’m right, or keep from hearing a dissenting opinion. It has nothing to do with communication or dialogue.

My antidote: at the end of the day, review my conversations, pat myself on the back for times I connected. For the times I didn’t, I will imagine doing it differently if the same scenario were to happen tomorrow.

My other big wake up was the effectiveness of silence when communicating from the heart.

Thank you to all participants and team and Felipe Gomez (co-trainer) for the gifts of our relationship in my life.

6 Responses

  1. Iona

    ‘scarps off another fascade that I didn’t know was there’ – I am humbled by that phrase – when the ego raises its head and It can be acknowledged and laid to rest again!
    ‘Silence when communicating from the heart’ – for a while I have been valuing the ‘power of listening’ – of what is not being said and of truly hearing the heart speak. Listening within, listening without.

    1. That’s what we were learning at the Relationship Workshop – Attentive Listening, Empathetic Learning, Intuitive Learning … very important.

  2. Cracked Egg

    You are very welcome Ann and thank you for the gifts of your spiritual fingerprint that shines through the cracks of my shell and illuminates my heart. Thank you also for reminding the effectiveness of silence when communicating from the heart, As always came just at the right time…