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"/> All I've Ever Wanted - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


All I’ve Ever Wanted

It's my first night back from a week spent in Huntsville, AL, leading a Pay It Forward More To Life Weekend, plus Completion Evening. I met my family for dinner in honor of Troy's (my son-in-law's) birthday, and in the process, brought Hayleigh (my granddaughter) home to spend the night with me.

It's now almost 6 am, and I've been in my office since 2:30 am, sorting through the myriad of mail and tasks that are generally required when I've been gone a week. After the first flurry of busyness, before starting the next task, I noticed a strange sense of being bloated – not a 'bad' bloat, but a strange bloat. So out of curiosity, I paused to explore my 'bloat.'

Unshed tears – tears of gratitude – dammed behind my eyes, stopping the outpouring my heart feels. This Images last weekend, I was touched deeply by one lifeshock after another – one story of courage after another, one selfless act of service after another, and the endless ability of the human spirit to seek the truth and to rest in that truth.

So here I've been in the rarefied air of being with people who were willing to take radical responsibility for the quality of their life – both in the training and on team; and then to come home to my family with whom I have shared so many years of riding the highs and lows of life, and the resultant bond that comes with that long-term experience … no wonder my body feels bloated. It's as if I can't contain all the gratitude and thankfulness I feel.

I am seen. I am known. I am loved.       It's all I've ever wanted, more than I thought I could have.       I see. I trust. I love.


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