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"/> A Tip From Sharon Parish - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


A Tip From Sharon Parish

At the KF Ball Dec 05 Sharon Parish was an important person in my life – in fact, she still is important to me. Among her many attributes, including the well-exercised talent of loving unconditionally, she had an innate, intuitive connection to Mother Earth. She taught me a lot in her too-short life.

Today, at my friend Isabel Vidal’s home in Johannesburg, having just spent 20 hours in the air, I had the sense that I was still in the air, not feeling connected to the ground. And I 
remembered something I learned from Sharon. So I went outside and lay in the grass, feet and palms on the ground. Then, for good measure, I lay on my stomach, stretched out – then on each side.

The weird thing is that, afterwards, I felt much calmer, more peaceful. So I got my book and started reading. It took 2 or 3 pages before I fell asleep, listening to the waterfall, sheltered by very large leaves.Sharon and me

This tip of lying on the earth – letting it absorb any discordant energy – whether it’s mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual – it works. It’s healing. I pass it on to you, one of many gifts from Sharon.

16 Responses

  1. Nicki Spurr

    What a lovely reminder of Sharon and her intimate connection to the natural world! Thank you, Ann.
    I’m going to make time to stretch out on the grass, too, this weekend when I take my walk through the autumn trees in Hampstead! (I’ve learned I can do this, even if the ground is soggy and cold – I have a space blanket!)
    Love, Nicki

  2. Thank you Ann for your tribute to Sharon. She was such a wise and loving soul. I remember so clearly the times she would go outside and sleep on the ground all night whenever she felt herself becoming sick. It was rather magical to see her the next morning in better health.

  3. Ann McMaster

    Hi Nicki, Just remember that a space blanket might not give you the contact with Mother Earth that a cotton blanket would, or some other more natural fiber. am

  4. Wow, this brings a tear to my eyes. I cannot tell you how many nights I slept in our very suburban back yard after my mother’s suicide in March 08, a trauma that miraculously, as I began to recover, things that used to hurt all the time don’t hurt anymore. But the recovery – by the end of some days it seemed like I might not be able to exert enough energy for gravity to notice me, like I might just float away from the basal exhaustion. In the darkness, on the grass, a big cotton comforter under and over me, a couple of small dogs for comfort…that was where I was drawn to, to heal.

  5. Isabel

    the power of connection …
    in the here and now of all creation…
    as I recall vividly a powerful connecting moment with Sharon…
    When I answered her phone call in Ann’s home…
    A soft, deep and caring voice…
    talking with me for over an hour…
    about matters of the spirit …
    and the mystery connecting us all …
    we talked about Brad and imagined the writing of a book that would honour the extraordinary legacy of his work…
    grateful for the grace of sharing
    as I walked in Ann’s home
    holding the phone with an absolute focus…
    as if touched by eagle’s wings …
    seeking me purposefully on earth……
    Paradoxically Ann wrote this tribute to Sharon’s memory in my home…
    just before I made a booking to see a Chinese doctor …
    a perfect synchronicity …..
    as I heard the doctors’ soft words…
    ” Your energy is so high I will only place a few needles … you need to ground your energy… as it is getting blocked in your throat and it is struggling to reach your feet…where your energy is very low…”
    she placed the needles…
    no big deal ..
    till she worked on the right side of my neck …
    coming down into my hand and into my feet…
    Noticing the intensity of an heavy sensation in my throat while my right hand felt paralyzed …
    What is this??? I pondered
    to watch a hurricane wave of sobs coming alive from deep inside my throat…
    as if suddenly freed to let go …
    to become the cascade …
    nurturing the soil of my beautiful garden …
    filled with angels and fairies …
    inviting me to dance…
    while standing powerfully in my backbone…
    later I decided to go to a “Biodanza” dancing class …
    I had not gone to for years…
    to laugh in delight …
    As if Sharon’s spirit was now dancing with me …
    in celebration …
    for the weaving of grace …
    calling me …
    to tune in…
    to become fully awake…
    alive …
    and hear…