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"/> A Sarah Munro Story - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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A Sarah Munro Story

A few years ago, I shuffled into Sarah Munro’s home, devoid of energy, bleary-eyed, fuzzy-brained in a jet-lagged stupor. You get the picture. It had been a long flight from Houston to Los Angeles to Auckland to Hamilton, New Zealand. I was sleep deprived before I ever got on the plane in Houston.

Sarah is one of those human beings that makes other women proud to be a woman. She’s tall, statuesque, naturally beautiful inside and out – smart, loving, intuitive, real, affectionate and laughs easily.

My final destination was the empty house next door to her home – my temporary Hamilton abode. She took one look at me, said, “mmmmm” … and pulled me into a chair in her kitchen. While I did what I could to remain upright, she placed a glass of something in front of me, and said, “drink this.” So I did, while she bustled around the kitchen, getting one of her kids to snip some things from her garden, and a few minutes later, I had the most delicious salad in front of me – raw veggies and steamed potatoes – I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything that delicious.

I felt so revived after that meal, that I imagined myself ready to do whatever was next. She said, “uh uh – you’re going to bed, and I don’t want to see you till tomorrow.”

How she did all that without sounding bossy, I have no clue. All I know is that I had absolutely no resistance to anything she said or did. I want to be like that when I grow up.

PS  When I think of people who have been healing in my life, her face is one that comes to mind. The reason this memory re-surfaced is because Sarah was in the Coaching
Essentials course this last weekend, with her husband, Andrew.