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"/> A Fun Experience - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


A Fun Experience

Saturday, Teresa Huskey, Training Supervisor for the More To Life Weekend in DSCN0267
February, and her two Assistant Training Supervisors, Cathy Reinhold and Shammi Venkatachalan led us in a fun half-day that was touching and expanding and that had a mix of people leading different parts – scheduled leadership and spontaneous leadership.

The theme of the weekend is Raising the Bar (appropriate for the beginning of the DSCN0218
year). To tie the theme of the weekend with the team experience, we limbo-ed – we DSCN0223
limbo-ed low, and we limbo-ed high. We had some great music, a limbo stick, and an energized group. First we limbo-ed low, going so low that we couldn't have made it without support.

AHA! Support! Something for which many of us don't often ask, or for which we feel embarrassed, uncertain, or untrusting that we will actually get support, even if we ask for it. We did this day … with a special encore for Teresa – DSCN0249
passing her down a line of team members – a moving moment, literally and figuratively.

THEN, we Raised the Bar, requiring a
s-t-r-e-t-c-h to touch the bar. We held the bar almost to the ceiling for Kirsten! And we shared the s-t-r-e-t-c-h-es we want to make personally and professionally. That got so exciting, we created a vision for ourselves and for the More To Life Weekend – and yes, even a Vision Board, spontaneously led by Erik.DSCN0268

Some of us were cutting out pictures and words, some gluing, and all of us supervising – Erik having the final say in where things were actually attached to the poster-board. It was light-hearted, creative, meaningful, and engaging.

It was one of those times when everyone was open and real and mutually supportive – and we got so much Done!

1 Response

  1. Wonderful! it really brings out the creative kid in us. There is so much joy and fun when we start creating our Vision Board. I absolutely Believe in Vision Boards especially if it was in a movie. http://www.visionboardmax.com I use the affirmation “Every day in every way I am getting better and better”. Happy New Year!!