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"/> 2010 - Looking Forward - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


2010 – Looking Forward

Images-1 I have 3 intentions for 2010 … the first one is to be more cognizant of having S P A C E  in my life – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have noticed that I reduced the number of bookcases from 19 to 9 – that's a lot of books to get rid of, and I don't miss them. Now it's time to weed even more – and not just books, but things I never use anymore. If I don't love it or don't use it, I'll pass it on to someone who will love it/use it.

This intention to have space in my life includes space in my calendar – to hang out with family and friends, as well as hang out with myself … and of course, enough space to sleep as well. 

The second intention I am borrowing from my good friend Johanna Wright, now living in Australia. In one of her emails to me, she said, "I want to move forward with meaningful, conscious intention, but I also want to make each encounter a conscious communion." I love that … conscious communion. Yes. Me too!

My third intention is to position myself so that I contribute from my strength … do the things that most matter to me and where I can make the most difference. 

I'll keep you posted. What are you wanting for yourself in this new year?

2 Responses

  1. My commitments, are to exercise every day except weekends, do a 40 day DAM, on day 3 now, to stop buying into my partners dramas, to do daily readings of “A Course In Miracles” and to get support from my MTL Coach.

  2. I like how “space” has lots of different applications!
    I typically pick a single word every year, instead of setting specific intentions. Last year the word was “success” and I did manage to create that in several different areas of my life.
    Still trying to identify the word for this year. I thought it was going to be “trust,” but that’s not quite it…. It’s more like the feeling of *safety* one can create when one is facing life as it is, clear-eyed and with honesty. Even if life isn’t exactly as I want it, there’s a relief in seeing the truth (though I realize truth is subject to interpretation!). Still looking for a single word that creates that feeling of relief and safety on a visceral level. I know it will come eventually.