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"/> Freedom - July 4, 2009 - pensive thoughts - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.


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Freedom – July 4, 2009 – pensive thoughts

The other day, an email came my way regarding the consequences that were paid by some of the signers of thImagese Declaration of Independence.  Those who were brave enough to stick their necks out to declare their independence from an oppressive, over-taxing government were men of substance – landowners, industry leaders. They had the material world by the tail. What they wanted was even more important – a sense of Freedom, a sense of leading their own destiny.

 Many of them lost their homes, some had their entire families either murdered or imprisoned (where they died), and many were stripped of all their worldly goods by fire or by being blatantly usurped. Look at the history of any country where oppression has reigned – I'll bet you'll find similar consequences sustained by the leaders of any freedom movement.

The same thing happened to the leaders of the women's suffragette movement. Many of the leaders of which were imprisoned and brutalized. It even seems to be a difficult passage between teenagers and their families, as teenagers emerge from the confines/protection of home to the seemingly rule-less world of college or the work place.

What is this thing called Freedom? What's so compelling about it? Why are some devoted to it and some not? Because it does come with a price – a giving up of complacency for an illusive ideal.

In my view, the complacency comes from spiritual lethargy, a willingness to "let the big dogs handle it" – a deep addiction to entitlement, a willingness to forego my responsibility for my own life, the lives of my family, friends, and neighbors – and yes, even for my own world – and for all the children in it. 

And something in me shrinks and becomes more narcissistic, down to me and mine, and sometimes, just down to me. It certainly demands less from me – less accountability, less effort, less leadership, less fire in the belly, less altruism – and a loss of the sense of belonging IN the big picture, a loss of self respect, a loss of creativity, and a loss of connection to that sacred part of me that demands I live in faith – not comfort, but FAITH. Fundamentally I either become a drag in the unfolding of evolution or an active ingredient in it.

My choice – always.