Walking With Lions
Scene: KUDUS RUS (http://www.kudusrus.co.za/) – a game reserve in the northwestern province of South Africa, with Isabel Vidal and Cremilde Geddes, friends from Johannesburg; and Sylvia Hebert, my friend from Houston. When we arrived for a 2-day retreat into the African bush, always healing for me, we were told our options – one of which was... Learn More
As Above, So Below
Rafa Berriochoa sent me a blurb written by a Spanish news journalist that stated that “Both Europe and America love what they see as our quaint backwardness …” As an American, I can absolutely say that I do not in any way see Spain as either quaint or backward. I see a country divided on... Learn More
Winners and Whiners
What makes a winner? How do they operate differently from whiners? Hurricane Harvey, aka HH, has made the distinction clear. Whiners get stuck in a mindtalk loop – “This wasn’t supposed to happen! This always happens to me (never to other people). No matter what I do, I can never get ahead.” The “reasons why”... Learn More
Hurricane Harvey’s Wake-ups
Scene: Atlanta, GA, Day 3 of Hurricane Harvey. 3 of my flights had been cancelled, Houston airports closed. I was in a beautiful home, with people I cared about, healthy food, my own room in a high-end part of Atlanta. My family was evacuated, devastation all around. The disparity was stark. At the bottom of... Learn More
The Positive Power of Being Fed Up (John Bradshaw quote)
This phrase imprinted itself in my body about 30 years ago. It comes to me regularly, when I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired about something. AND, becoming FED UP with an outmoded way of being is certainly a positive thing in my life. Example: playing beneath my skill set – I was... Learn More
Conning the Universe
I’ve been single now for 40 years – enjoying sequential monogamy and times of being free and unattached. Occasionally, I would imagine myself in a committed, long-term relationship, traveling life’s journey together as lovers and best friends. Warm and real and “for” each other. This is not an impossible dream. I see it happening with... Learn More