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"/> Surrendering - Ann McMaster M.A., L.P.C.




What a gimagesood idea! Surrendering to the IS-ness of life. Being in the flow. Not resisting “how IT is!” Ahhhhh.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse.* How can I ever surrender to That? I want to jump up and down, scream at somebody for allowing such atrocity. I absolutely Do Not Want any child to be abused in Any Way! I simply cannot surrender to something so despicable. Outrage, deep despair, impotence, tears.

With some help from a friend, using the Surrender Process from one of the More To Life’s advanced courses, I realized that all that jumping up and down, screaming, raw feeling … basically rendered me ineffective, just adding to the dis-ease in the world by being so dis-eased about children suffering. And it changed nothing. Nothing.

It didn’t mean caving in/giving up. It meant surrendering to the Real Reality, even one I didn’t like or want. And it invited me to be proactive … to be a part of waking up – feeling grateful for the realities I like and for the opportunity to change the ones I don’t.

That’s what More To Life has always been for me. A Wake Up about how “I” am, how others are, and how IT is. Now I/we can get about the business of creating a world that reflects what’s most important in my/our heart of hearts.

*National Center for Victims of Crime


6 Responses

  1. Charmaine

    Sometimes I believe there is a value in our sadness, our frustration and our anger to determine who the “me” is in the now. the situation doesn’t change but we will when we focus on making the changes that we can. “One starfish at a time”

    1. I agree … my feelings are what direct me to the thoughts I didn’t know I had. And once I do a reality check, then I’m more open to consciously proceed forward in a way that is congruent with reality – the Big Reality and the Reality of my heart of hearts.

  2. Johanna Wright

    Thanks for this Ann.
    When I did my WOW workshop in Atlanta, Georgia we wore shirts with the words “This is IT, and it’s YES! I have often repeated those words to myself when I experience the discomfort/ “disease” of my mind insisting that it should be another way.
    Love Johanna

  3. Hilary

    Thank you for the reminder of the surrender process!! Just what I need – often. Staying in the despair/hurt/anger IS in fact the caving in, giving that incident /person the power. The surrender process SOUNDS like giving up, but it’s letting go of its hold over me, and letting my strength flood back.